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How the AGEC law is influencing merchants to embrace the circular economy? Article

August 1, 2023

AGEC Law summary

The circular economy is an economic model that aims to optimize the use of resources by promoting the reuse, repair and recycling of products, while minimizing the production of waste. In a context of growing awareness of environmental issues, the Anti-Waste Law for a Circular Economy (AGEC) was adopted in France in February 2020. This law aims to transform production and consumption patterns by promoting a more sustainable and responsible approach while establishing a legislative framework that encourages this transition. In this article, we will look at how the AGEC law will influence merchants to embark on the circular economy, highlighting the key measures and opportunities it offers.

Regulatory compliance: a lever towards circularity

The AGEC law imposes specific measures on merchants to fight waste and encourage the transition to the circular economy. These provisions oblige them to be more responsible towards their products and their impact on the environment throughout their life cycle. By complying with these requirements, merchants must rethink their practices and adopt more sustainable strategies, thus promoting increased awareness of environmental issues and accountability for their actions.

The first impact of the AGEC law on merchants is regulatory. The new provisions force companies to rethink their production and distribution models to reduce waste and encourage recycling and reuse. For example, the law prohibits the destruction of unsold non-food items and encourages their donation or recycling.

In addition, producers, importers and distributors of construction products are now required to contribute to the management of waste from their products. This measure could encourage retailers to favour more sustainable and less polluting products, and to set up systems for the recovery and recycling of end-of-life products.

Economic incentives: boosting the transition

The AGEC law extends the principle of extended producer responsibility to new products, including toys, sporting goods, DIY and gardening items, as well as e-cigarettes. This extension means that merchants are more involved in the management of waste from these end-of-life products. To comply with this measure, they must set up collection, sorting and recycling systems for the products concerned. This increased responsibility encourages them to become more committed to the circular economy and adopt more eco-responsible practices.

The AGEC law is not only about regulations, it also offers economic incentives to encourage the circular economy. This includes subsidies, tax benefits or support for companies that adopt more sustainable production and consumption practices. As a result, retailers embarking on the circular economy path could benefit from financial support, making this transition more attractive.

Innovation: the circular economy as a source of creativity

The AGEC law encourages the eco-design of products, by setting targets for reducing waste production and recyclability. Merchants are encouraged to redesign their products to make them more durable, easy to repair and recycle. This approach stimulates innovation and fosters the emergence of more environmentally friendly products, while contributing to the creation of a market for more sustainable and higher quality consumer goods.

The AGEC law can stimulate innovation by encouraging companies to develop new, more sustainable production and distribution methods. The circular economy is not only a constraint, it can also be a source of opportunity and creativity. For example, merchants may consider retail models that focus on reuse, such as consignment or rental.

Promote the extension of the life of products

The AGEC law also aims to encourage the extension of the lifespan of products by making them easier to repair. Merchants are required to provide spare parts to consumers for a minimum period of time, which extends the useful life of products and reduces the need to purchase new ones. This measure encourages merchants to promote durable and repairable products, thus encouraging consumers to adopt a more responsible and economical approach.

The AGEC law also prohibits the destruction of unsold non-food items and limits aggressive promotional practices, including "2 for the price of 1" offers. These measures aim to combat waste. Retailers need to rethink their business strategies and encourage consumers to buy more thoughtfully and sustainably, prioritizing quality over quantity.

Tripartie AGEC Law summary

In brief...

The AGEC law offers an incentive framework for merchants wishing to engage in the circular economy. This law represents a real opportunity for retailers to actively participate in the transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy. By embracing these changes, merchants are also helping to create a more resilient and prosperous economy for the future.

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