Give your users a risk-free shopping experience and build trust at the heart of your platform with Tripartie Safe Checkout©.
Offer your users a 100% secure shopping experience and fully dedicated to C2C by easily integrating the Tripartie.
Every transaction is invisibly monitored to automatically detect suspicious behavior and potential fraudsters. The Tripartie shared database protects your platform.
Tripartie Manages your platform's flows to ensure maximum security and avoid complex and time-consuming technical integration. The seller is paid after inspection by the buyer, you get your commission.
A solution distributed by
The seller automatically issues a packing slip in just a few clicks. Packages are tracked in real-time and the buyer has a period to inspect their purchase. Possible returns of goods are also supported.
Easily display the secure checkout button on every relevant product page on your platform. Give your users access to the Safe Checkout interface, while respecting your visual identity and UX.
A few lines of code are enough to integrate Safe Checkout and the signature of a single contract allows to benefit from all the functionalities. Deploy your new activity quickly and effortlessly.
The Resolution Center solution can be activated without additional integration.
Define your business model and set up your commissions.
Automate identity verifications as well as technical and regulatory updates.
Your users are guided throughout the journey and each important action is notified by an email in your colors.
The buyer can easily discuss the price with the seller. Tripartie manages the expiry, rejection and acceptance of requests for you.
Bring your community to life and create virality with user-to-user referral and promotional code features.
Monitor the progress of your platform's transactions in real time and export the data you need for your financial analysis.