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Find out how to create a second-hand marketplace in just four steps Article

May 8, 2024

Find out how to create your own second-hand marketplace?

In France, the second-hand sector has been around for a very long time, with second-hand shops, Emmaüs stores and, more recently, digital online resale platforms.

Reduced purchasing power, a growing sense of eco-responsibility, digitalization of habits... the phenomenon has won over the French people and seduced brands.

In the latest edition of our annual study, the market is estimated at over 128 billion worldwide, including 32 billion in Europe, with forecasts of 346 and 86 billion respectively in 2028!(See the list of almost 100 players in our study)

While creating a second-hand marketplace is a value-creating project for brands, it is also a demanding one, requiring planning in its conception and rigor in its implementation.

Would you like to create your own platform? Tripartie will show you the steps to follow!

Phase 1 - Designing a platform dedicated to second-hand

Analyze your market and define your value proposition

The first step is to understand the second-hand market in your region or area of interest.

Identify unmet needs and possible niches where your platform could stand out:

  • The type of products you wish to sell (clothing, luxury goods, furniture, household appliances, etc.);
  • Your targets (individuals, professionals, etc.);
  • What differentiates you from other second-hand marketplaces (type or quality of services, attractive prices, purchase protection, etc.).

Choosing the right business model

Once you've decided on your market orientation, it's time to decide on your business model. "Your sources of revenue can be a commission on each transaction, a seller registration fee, a monthly subscription fee, or advertising," says Andréas Lambropoulos. Your model can also be hybrid...

Choosing a technology platform

Marketplaces have more sophisticated technical features than e-commerce sites. You have two options.

The first option (i.e. DIY), is to employ ready-to-use solutions to create your second-hand marketplace. Examples include Shopify, Cocolabs, Origami Marketplace, Wizaplace and Kreezalid.

Conversely, the second option is to develop your own customised platform, calling upon a specialised web developer and designers to create a high-quality, user-friendly interface. A recommended choice for an ambitious project, if you're a retailer or major brand with a substantial budget.

Phase 2 - Preparing the solution

Consider legal and regulatory aspects

Once you've made your design choices, make sure you understand the laws and regulations governing the sale of second-hand products in your market.

Victorien De Doncker, a lawyer by training, urges vigilance: "Beyond the hype of the concept and the technology, the creators of marketplaces don't always imagine the implications of their project in terms of intellectual property, consumer protection and taxation".

Planning essential functions

To function properly and offer an unforgettable user experience, your second-hand marketplace must include a number of features such as :

  • A user area ;
  • An ad creation form ;
  • An advanced search engine ;
  • An advanced fraud detection tool;
  • A secure payment and purchase protection solution;
  • Delivery solutions ;
  • A dispute resolution center ;
  • Communication tools (instant messaging, forum, etc.) ;
  • A system of customer reviews and ratings.

That leaves the payment system, which deserves particular attention: "At Tripartie, we have a 'holistic' vision of online purchasing. In addition to securing the transaction, we offer our platform partners an all-in-one solution that includes (i) payment, (ii) the delivery process and (iii) complete dispute management," Victorien explains.

A turnkey competitive advantage, judging by the benefits delivered: savings in processing time, elimination of technical and legal complexity, advanced functionalities, but also continuous innovation and compliance with current regulations.

Phase 3 - Promoting the marketplace

Recruiting salespeople

If your model is multi-brand, your platform needs to attract sellers of second-hand products.

A number of levers and techniques (advertising campaigns, online marketing, SEO, SEA, SMA, local events, merchandise quality verification processes, etc.) will help you attract and retain them.

Promoting the platform

The same levers can be used to reach future users of your second-hand marketplace. You can also collaborate with influencers by contacting them directly or through specialised agencies.

And don't forget to back up your platform with good storytelling. For example, when Cyrillus launched its Seconde histoire with the slogan "Rien ne se perd tout se transmet" (Nothing is lost, everything is passed on), it wanted to convey the image of a classic heritage passed on through clothing.

Finally, think up promotional marketing campaigns to minimise the time it takes to sell products, and thus optimise your stock management. "One of the secrets lies in highlighting products with high-quality photos, a sales-oriented description, moderated comments, etc.," Andréas explains.

Phase 4 - Business management and monitoring

Manage the platform and build user loyalty

Your platform is running and generating transactions, Bravo!

At the same time, make sure you offer responsive, competent and accurate customer support to answer your users' questions and solve their problems. This will build trust and loyalty.

Beyond that, provide ongoing entertainment with regular offers and promotions.

Continuous improvement and evolution of the marketplace

Conduct regular performance reviews of your platform, and analyse your figures objectively.

In addition, scrutinise users' opinions and comments, and make regular improvements to meet needs and stay competitive.

Last 3 TriparTips 🤓

  • Start with an MVP (minimum viable product) and improve it over time
  • Never neglect your users' need for security
  • Listen carefully enough to anticipate market changes

Are you launching a second-hand project?

Tripartie enables retailers, marketplaces and large companies to enter the peer-to-peer and second-hand market rapidly, without operational and reputational risk.

Tripartie has a trust-based approach and provides a set of tools to ensure secure, compliant transactions and efficient resolution of user disputes. Book a demo!

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